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The Monument forms a dominant part of the national cultural landmark of the Czechoslovak Armed Corps built in 1949 based on the architectural draft of Ing. arch. J. Grus. The Monument with a ceremonial hall is 28 metres high. On its 20th anniversary of the Karpathian-Dukla operation a sculpture „Moaning“was settled within the area of the Monument. There are bronze boards settled on the colonnade leading up to the Monument where there are 1 256 killed soldiers names imprinted on – all being the members of the 1st Czechoslovak Armed Corps in the USSR. The memorial cemetery with its 565 graves of the 1st Czechoslovak Armed Corps killed in the Karpathian-Dukla operation represents a part of the Monument. There are busts of the Heroes of Dukla placed on the periphery of the cemetery. In 1961 the Monument was declared a national cultural landmark.

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