The Museum Branch of MMH Svidník
The Museum Branch Svidník is a part of the Museum of Military History in Piešťany. It follows the tradition of the Musuem of Dukla found in 1965. The Museum exhibition was ceremonially opened on 4th Oct 1969 on the 25th anniversary of the Karpathian-Dukla operation. The museum holds in expositional, depository and administration rooms the documentation of the military history in the Slovakia immediately before and throughout the WWI in the East Karpathia, the period between the wars and the WWII period, especially focusing on the Karpathian-Dukla operation, the Partisan movement and the liberation of the Slovakia in 1944 – 1945. Its central exposition serves for the presentation of the documented facts.
Where to find us:
The institute of military history
The Museum Branch of MMH Svidník
The Museum Branch of MMH Svidník
Museum Branch Svidník
Tel.: 00421 54 7521398