Scientific Board
Members of the Scientific Board at the Institute of Military History (IMH) Bratislava
Director of the Institute of Military History:President:
PhDr. Peter ŠUMICHRAST, PhD., IMH- The Department of Military History Researches
Doc. PhDr. Vladimír SEGEŠ, PhD., IMH- The Department of Military History Researches
Mgr. Peter KRALČÁK, PhD., IMH- The Military History Archive
PhDr. Igor BAKA, PhD., IMH- The Department of Military History Researches
PhDr. Viliam ČIČAJ, CSc., The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
doc. Mgr. Peter ŠOLTÉS, PhD., The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
Mgr. Peter CHORVÁT, PhD., IMH- The Department of Military History Researches
Mgr. Jerguš VÁRY, IMH- Museum of Military History Piešťany
PhDr. Miroslav LONDÁK, DrSc., The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
Mgr. Matej MEDVECKÝ, PhD., IMH- The Department of Military History Researches
PhDr. Marian UHRIN, PhD., The Museum of the Slovak National Uprising Banská Bystrica
PhDr. Slavomír MICHÁLEK, DrSc., The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava
prof. PhDr. Eduard NIŽŇANSKÝ, CSc., Commenius University, Philosophical Faculty Bratislava
prof. PaedDr. Martin PEKÁR, PhD.- Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Faculty of Arts Košice
Dr. Imrich PURDEK, PhD., IMH- The Department of Military History Researches