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The basic information on the Museum of Military History

The Museum of Military History (MMH) Piešťany: is the part of the IMH Bratislava registered at the Ministry of Culture of SR in 1998. It was originally located in Trenčín, and later in 2004 relocated to Piešťany.
The main aim of the museum is: building and raising the national historical awareness and pride of the nationality, supporting the honour of the military traditions of the Slovak nation and the presentation of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces to the general public.
Professional focus and the specialization of the museum: MMH is as a nationwide specialized museum a top collection-forming and culture-educational institution in its field of specialization. Meanwhile it is a central information, methodological, coordination, educational centre for the museum activity in its specialization.
MMH Piešťany professionally manages and coordinates the activity of its two museum branches:

Letecký pohľad na areál VHÚ - VHM Piešťany - 8.9.2012

 Aerial view of the VHM Piestany (sept. 2012)



Budova Centrálnej expozície Vojenského historického múzea MO Svidník

Budova Centrálnej expozície Vojenského historického múzea MO Svidník (2018)


The Director of MMH: LTC. Ing. Milan KUBIZNIAK
Tel.: 00421 33 791 3801 
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